The Goblintown NFT collection is an unconventional and peculiar collection that has gained a following in the NFT scene. The art style of the collection is striking and unique, featuring 10,000 distinct goblins with rare styles and characteristics. Despite their “ugly” appearances, the goblins have garnered interest and curiosity among collectors who see beauty in the unconventional. The Goblintown community has cultivated a cult-like following and communicates in their own quirky language. The creators of the collection, Truth Labs, are a collective of artists aiming to bring joy and mischief to the blockchain world. However, their recent decision to disable trading and enforce creator royalties has sparked controversy within the NFT community. Truth Labs has also launched their own marketplace to address high fees on existing platforms. The utility of Goblintown NFTs is currently limited, but there is potential for exclusive access to content or events in the future. The collection has gained popularity through meme culture and integration into a gaming experience. Overall, Goblintown has the potential for further growth and appeals to a specific segment of collectors.
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