Security researchers have identified a new malware called Realst that targets Apple macOS users. The malware is distributed through fake blockchain games and aims to steal crypto assets and sensitive information. Realst spreads through various games, each with its own website and social media accounts to appear authentic. The malware uses AppleScript spoofing and Chainbreaker to capture passwords, keys, and certificates. The authors of Realst are also testing its behavior on Apple’s upcoming macOS 14 Sonoma version. While SentinelOne’s security solution can detect and prevent Realst, users are advised to remain vigilant as Apple’s malware blocking service does not currently prevent its execution.
Main Breakdowns
– Realst is a new malware targeting Apple macOS users.
– It is distributed through fake blockchain games.
– The malware steals crypto assets and sensitive information.
– Realst uses AppleScript spoofing and Chainbreaker to capture passwords.
– The authors of Realst are testing it on Apple’s upcoming macOS 14 Sonoma version.
Hot Take
Mac users who engage with blockchain games should exercise extreme caution and remain vigilant. The Realst malware poses a significant threat to their crypto assets and personal information. While security solutions like SentinelOne can help detect and prevent Realst, Apple’s built-in malware blocking service currently does not provide protection. It is crucial for users to be aware of the risks associated with downloading and running suspicious games to avoid falling victim to this malware.