Randall Miller, a director known for films like “Bottle Shock” and the ill-fated “Midnight Rider,” is now working on a crypto-funded reboot of “Bottle Shock” in an animated format. The project aims to recreate the original film’s cast and sets in animated form, with singalongs to popular songs from the ’70s and ’80s added in. While Miller is not directing the animated film, he is producing it and seeking funding through decentralized methods.
Miller’s production company, Unclaimed Freight, has partnered with Funded, a crypto fundraising platform that allows people to buy equity stakes in projects using NFTs. Holders of “Bottle Shock” NFTs will have the opportunity to share in the profits of the animated film based on their investments. The project is currently seeking to raise $1.5 million worth of Ethereum for its production budget.
While other film and TV projects have faced regulatory scrutiny for using NFTs as fundraising tools, Miller believes his project is different. He views “Bottle Shock” NFT holders as investors, even if they may not technically be classified as such. The project aims to pay out its creators, including Miller and his wife, as well as the original actors involved in the film.
Miller is confident that the film will be profitable and hopes to sell it to a streaming platform like Amazon or Hulu. If not, he plans to take it on the festival circuit to generate positive press and momentum for a potential sale. The project is currently crowdfunding on Funded’s platform and must meet its fundraising goal within 30 days or all funds will be refunded.
Hot Take: A Crypto-Funded Reboot of “Bottle Shock” Seeks to Revolutionize Film Funding