Be cautious while interacting with people on social media, as a new scam is targeting users of WhatsApp and Telegram. The scammers follow a three-step process to gain your trust and deceive you. First, they become friendly by using familiar names or companies to connect with you. Then, they offer lucrative opportunities such as rating merchants on Google Maps for a small amount of money. Once they have gained your trust, they may promise to help you find a job or investment opportunities. Eventually, they trick you into sharing personal information and then drain your bank account. To avoid falling victim to these scams, be wary of who you interact with online and never share sensitive financial information on insecure platforms like WhatsApp or Telegram. Watch out for red flags such as requests for personal information or authentication details that you did not initiate. Unfortunately, it is difficult to stop these spam messages from reaching you, but you can block the numbers and report them as spam. Stay alert and rely on genuine sources for information rather than responding to unsolicited messages.
Hot Take: Protect Yourself from Scammers on Social Media