More than Half of Pepe Coin Addresses Are Currently Profitable
According to on-chain data from IntoTheBlock, over 50% of Pepe addresses are currently profitable, indicating that these holders would make gains if they sold their tokens at the current market price. However, it’s important to consider other factors such as the duration of coin holding, recent market trends, and overall sentiment in the cryptocurrency market to get a comprehensive understanding of Pepe Coin holders’ status.
Over 50% of Pepe Addresses Currently Profitable
About 54% of PEPE addresses are profitable, meaning these holders would realize gains if they sold their tokens now. On the other hand, approximately 38% of addresses are at a loss. Additionally, around 8.5% of addresses are at the break-even point.
Significant Drop in PEPE Network Activity Noted Over Past Week
In the past week, there has been a significant decline in PEPE network activity. The creation of new addresses has decreased by 30%, and the number of active addresses has reduced by 26%. Furthermore, there has been a 19% fall in the number of addresses that no longer hold a PEPE balance.
Pepe Network Exhibits Modest Growth Trend
The growth of the PEPE network has been slow but steady. In the last 30 days, approximately 147,000 addresses holding a PEPE balance have been added.
PEPE on Telegram: Overwhelmingly Positive News Prevails
Based on recent communications on Telegram, the sentiment towards PEPE appears overwhelmingly positive. In the past seven days, there have been 679 positive messages compared to only four negative messages.
Whale Dominance: Nearly 42% of PEPE Supply Held by Large Holders
A significant portion of PEPE tokens is held by whales and major investors. Ten whale addresses collectively control around 42% of the total token supply, while 74 major investor addresses account for approximately 26% of it. This concentration among large holders leaves less than one-third of the total supply available to retail investors.
Hot Take: Pepe Coin Holders Experience Mixed Results
Pepe Coin holders have seen mixed results, with over half of the addresses currently profitable. However, there has been a significant drop in network activity, indicating decreased engagement and transaction activity. The slow growth of the network suggests a gradual increase in users or investors. On Telegram, the sentiment towards PEPE remains overwhelmingly positive. The concentration of tokens among whales and major investors highlights their significant influence in the Pepe Coin ecosystem.