Azuki, a popular NFT project, has launched a new collection called Elementals. This collection consists of 20,000 NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain and will be sold through a Dutch auction starting at 2 ETH per NFT. The sale begins today. Chiru Labs, the Web3 startup behind Azuki, aims to expand the project with additional profile pictures (PFPs) through Elementals. Half of the supply will be available for public sale, while owners of the previous Azuki NFT collection have already received one of the Elementals. The unique aspect of this sale is that the art for the Elementals has not yet been revealed. The NFTs will contain randomized attributes of varying rarity. The sale will be divided into a presale for Azuki NFT owners, a presale for Beanz NFT owners, and a public sale. The initial price will drop every 5 minutes until all NFTs are sold. Ethereum continues to be the leading blockchain for NFT transactions, with a substantial portion of sales volume. Other blockchains gaining ground in the NFT sector include Solana, BNB Chain, and Mythos.
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