Dogecoin Wallet Awakens After 9.5 Years of Inactivity

Dogecoin Wallet Awakens After 9.5 Years of Inactivity

A Dogecoin address that had been silent for 9.5 years suddenly showed transaction activity in the past day, leading to speculation about the return of one of the earliest Dogecoin adopters. The wallet had a balance of 2,002,447 DOGE before becoming active. The first transfer from the wallet occurred 13 days after the launch of Dogecoin in December 2013, indicating that the wallet owner was an early adopter. After a few more transactions, the wallet went silent until now. Recently, the wallet made a test transaction of 1,111 DOGE followed by a larger transfer of 999,999 DOGE. It is unclear why the wallet had been dormant for so long, but it is possible that the holder forgot about it or lost the keys. Despite missing out on the recent Dogecoin bull run, the original investor would still have made a significant return on their initial investment. However, the impact on the market would be minimal if the holder were to clear out the entire wallet. Currently, Dogecoin is trading at around $0.643, experiencing a 1% increase in the past week.

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