HTX Operations Resume Following $100m Combined Exploit from Suspicious Transfers

HTX Operations Resume Following $100m Combined Exploit from Suspicious Transfers

HTX Exchange Responds to Multi-Million Dollar Hack

Recently, HTX, the cryptocurrency exchange associated with Justin Sun, fell victim to a significant security breach. The attack targeted both the HTX platform and the HECO network, resulting in the unauthorized withdrawal of assets amounting to a staggering $110 million. Company representatives from HTX have assured users that they will fully compensate for the losses incurred due to this attack, which led to suspicious transfers of over $23 million from the platform. Despite the substantial magnitude of the attack, HTX has announced that it plans to resume deposit and withdrawal services within 24 hours, with the exact timeline to be communicated through platform announcements.

“Huobi HTX is expected to resume deposit and withdrawal services within 24 hours. The specific resumption time will be notified again. Please pay attention to the platform announcement.”

HTX team

Security Specialists Confirm Hack and Compensatory Efforts

Initial reports of the hack came from security specialists at Cyvers Alerts, who revealed that a substantial sum of $86.6 million was illicitly withdrawn from Heco Bridge, along with an additional $23.4 million from HTX. Justin Sun, an advisor to HTX, later confirmed the attack and expressed the exchange’s commitment to fully reimburse the losses. Notably, this incident is not the only one linked to Sun, as hackers previously accessed a wallet linked to Sun’s Poloniex exchange. Subsequently, the company offered a $10 million reward to the hacker for returning the funds, but the offer went unclaimed. Unfortunately, these events contribute to the significant Q3 2023 loss of nearly $890 million in the crypto sector due to hacks, scams, and rug pulls.

Hot Take: Impact of Ongoing Security Breaches on the Crypto Market

The repeated occurrence of high-profile security breaches like the recent attack on HTX has raised concerns about the overall security and stability of the cryptocurrency market. With an industry-wide loss of nearly $890 million in Q3 of 2023 alone, the financial impact of these incidents continues to challenge the integrity and trustworthiness of the crypto sector. Although exchanges and platforms like HTX are making efforts to compensate for user losses, the persistent threat of malicious cyber activity remains a significant issue that demands vigilance and proactive security measures from all stakeholders in the crypto market.