Interlay Launches “One-Stop-Shop” Bitcoin DeFi Platform
Interlay, a decentralized blockchain network, has unveiled a new platform that aims to be a comprehensive solution for Bitcoin decentralized finance (DeFi). The platform includes a decentralized exchange (DEX) and a lending protocol, both integrated with Interlay’s existing DeFi bridge. The platform is designed to address the closure of peer-to-peer bitcoin exchanges and the flight from centralized exchanges due to regulatory issues. Interlay’s CEO, Alexei Zamyatin, describes the platform as a combination of Uniswap, Aave, and Compound, and believes that offering a variety of tokens is necessary to bring financial freedom to a wider audience. The platform currently supports bitcoin, tether, polkadot, and Interlay’s governance token, with plans to expand to other assets in the future.
Key Points:
- Interlay launches a “one-stop-shop” platform for Bitcoin DeFi
- The platform includes a DEX and a lending protocol
- Interlay aims to fill the void left by the closure of peer-to-peer bitcoin exchanges
- The platform supports bitcoin, tether, polkadot, and Interlay’s governance token
- Interlay plans to expand to other assets in the future