Introducing Settlus Blockchain: PUBG Developers Present Innovative Cosmos-Based Solution for USDC Settlements

Introducing Settlus Blockchain: PUBG Developers Present Innovative Cosmos-Based Solution for USDC Settlements

Krafton Unveils Settlus: A Blockchain Project for Payment Settlements

Krafton, the game development company behind PUBG: Battlegrounds, has announced its plans for Settlus, a blockchain project that will utilize the Cosmos SDK for payment settlements in USDC. The Settlus blockchain platform was introduced by Krafton, Circle, and AngelHack at the Korea Blockchain Week’s Circle Hacker House event. This exciting news was shared on Twitter by Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire, who emphasized the potential of onboarding PUBG’s 30 million monthly active users to the new payment and settlement layer.

The Cosmos SDK, also known as the Cosmos Software Development Kit, is a framework that allows for the creation of interoperable layer-1 blockchains.

Introducing Settlus: A New Layer-1 Blockchain for Payment Settlements

Settlus has recently launched its website and social media accounts. According to the website, the testnet for Settlus will be launched in early 2024. Settlus aims to revolutionize payment settlements and metaverse-related projects through its layer-1 blockchain.

One interesting feature of Settlus is that gas fees on the network can be paid through stablecoins, with initial payment settlements for content creators facilitated by Circle’s stablecoin USDC. Circle has already launched native USDC support within the Cosmos ecosystem, enabling asset issuance and inter-blockchain transfers through the IBC protocol.

In addition to Settlus, the team is also working on Project Migaloo, a metaverse platform that will be developed alongside the Settlus blockchain. Project Migaloo offers content creators a “create-to-earn” model, automatically generating NFTs for their digital assets and providing them with royalty rights on platform sales.

Hot Take: The Future of Gaming and Blockchain Integration

The introduction of Settlus and its integration with the popular game PUBG signifies the growing intersection between the gaming industry and blockchain technology. By leveraging the Cosmos SDK and stablecoins like USDC, Settlus aims to revolutionize payment settlements and empower content creators in the gaming metaverse. This innovative approach has the potential to reshape the gaming economy and create new opportunities for gamers and developers alike. As blockchain technology continues to advance, we can expect more exciting collaborations and projects that bridge the gap between gaming and decentralized finance.