Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida stated that the country aims to enhance the environment for Web3 and promote the use of tokens while revitalizing the content industry. Here are the key points:
1. Broad policy outline: Japan’s annual policy includes measures to protect users and improve the environment for Web3 token usage.
2. Embracing Web3: The ruling Liberal Democratic Party continues to support Web3 as part of its economic policy focused on innovation and digital transformation.
3. Ambitious project: A major Japanese company plans to announce a large-scale project in the metaverse, creating an economic zone.
4. Inclusive stance: The party’s policy research council chairman emphasized the importance of inclusivity towards Web3, even for those unfamiliar with the industry.
5. Policy advancements: Japan has been working on policies and guidelines for NFTs, stablecoins, and DAOs, while removing burdensome tax requirements to attract project founders.
In conclusion, Japan is actively embracing Web3, aiming to create a favorable environment for token usage and foster growth in the content industry. By promoting inclusivity and implementing supportive policies, the country seeks to position itself as a leader in the crypto space.