Standing Out Is Key for Crypto Marketing Agencies
– Make agency marketing an intrinsic part of your team’s routine and your company’s culture.
– Shift the mindset toward self-promotion as an internal priority.
– Engage a professional to guide you in storytelling and media relations.
– Leverage press exposure and content marketing across all owned and earned media channels.
– Build relationships with journalists who cover your industry.
Building Public Relationships and Finding a Niche
– Prioritize building relationships with reporters in your industry and staying informed about current trends.
– Cultivate stable and enduring connections amid the volatility of the crypto market.
– Make it clear what your agency does and where it shines.
– Be true to your agency’s values and work with brand partners who advocate for your work.
Hot Take: Success in Crypto Marketing
In order to succeed in the competitive world of crypto marketing, agencies must prioritize self-promotion, build strong relationships with journalists, leverage press exposure, and stay true to their values. By integrating marketing into daily operations, embracing a back-to-basics approach, and cultivating lasting connections, crypto marketing agencies can thrive in the industry. The wisdom and strategies of traditional advertisers provide valuable lessons that can be applied to the crypto world, resulting in a formula for success that has stood the test of time.