
Bitcoin’s $65K Hold; ARK’s ETF Sees $87M Outflows 😀🚀

Nathan CobenApr 3, 20242 min read

Bitcoin Bounces Back and ARK’s ETF Sees Outflows Bitcoin is holding steady at $65,000, with ARK’s Bitcoin ETF experiencing $87 million worth of outflows recently. Bitcoin,…

Federal Reserve denies Custodia Bank’s master account 🚫🏦

Bernard NicolaiMar 30, 20242 min read

Legal Setback for Custodia Bank in Bid for Federal Reserve Master Account Custodia Bank suffered a legal setback as it lost its bid for a Federal…

Digital Asset Bank Custodia Loses Bid for Federal Reserve Account 😱

Wyatt NewsonMar 30, 20243 min read

Financial Setback as Custodia Bank Denied U.S. Federal Reserve Master Account 🏦 Unfortunate news for Custodia Bank as the United States District Court for the District…

Court rules against Custodia Bank losing Fed Master Account 🚫🏦 📜

Bitro ConwellMar 30, 20243 min read

Understanding Custodia Bank’s Attempt to Obtain a Fed Master Account and Membership Custodia Bank’s claim for membership and a master account with the Federal Reserve was…

US Senator Lummis slams court verdict in Custodia vs Fed case 😡

Gapster InnesMar 29, 20243 min read

Understanding the Custodia Bank vs Federal Reserve Case 💼 In the recent Custodia Bank vs Federal Reserve case, US Senator Cynthia Lummis has expressed her disagreement…

Federal Reserve Wins Custodia Bank Crypto Case! 🏦💰

Gapster InnesMar 29, 20243 min read

Federal Reserve Prevails in Lawsuit with Custodia Bank The recent ruling by Wyoming District Judge Scott Skavdahl favored the United States Federal Reserve in a lawsuit…

Custodia Bank vs. Federal Reserve: The Ultimate Crypto Showdown! 🚀

Gapster InnesMar 14, 20243 min read

The Custodia Bank Lawsuit and Its Potential Impact on the Crypto Industry According to Fox Business journalist Eleanor Terrett, the ongoing lawsuit between Custodia Bank and…

Judge Cancels Trial in Custodia vs Fed Case, Summary Judgment Looms! 😮✨

Gapster InnesMar 7, 20245 min read

The Legal Battle Between Custodia Bank and the US Federal Reserve: A Critical Juncture In a recent development in the legal battle between Custodia Bank and…

Custodia Bank Introduces New Bitcoin Custody Platform

Noah RyptonNov 7, 20232 min read

Custodia Bank Launches Bitcoin Custody Platform If you’re a fiduciary, investment adviser, fund manager, or corporate treasurer, you’ll be interested to know that Custodia Bank founder…

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