
India’s Finance Ministry Aims to Restrict Binance and Other Prominent Foreign Exchanges

Wyatt NewsonDec 28, 20232 min read

Indian Finance Ministry Issues Compliance Notices to Offshore Crypto Exchanges The Indian finance ministry has sent compliance show-cause notices to nine offshore cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance,…

Compliance Notices Sent by India’s Financial Intelligence Unit to Offshore Crypto Exchanges Such as Binance and Kraken

Theon BarrettDec 28, 20233 min read

Indian Financial Intelligence Unit Issues Compliance Notices to Offshore Crypto Exchanges India’s Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), an agency responsible for monitoring and regulating suspicious financial activity,…

India’s Efforts to Reduce Dependency on the Dollar Falter Due to Concerns about Repatriation of Rupees by Oil Suppliers

Benito CormiDec 28, 20232 min read

High Transactional Costs and Repatriation Concerns The Indian Oil Ministry has admitted that its efforts to pay for oil with rupees have not been successful. The…

Navigating India’s Increasing Crypto Scrutiny: Essential Tips for Dealing with Income Tax Alerts

Gapster InnesDec 26, 20233 min read

Surge in Income Tax Alerts There has been a significant increase in alerts from the Indian Income Tax Department regarding high-value cryptocurrency transactions for the assessment…

Why India’s Central Bank Continues to Strongly Oppose Cryptocurrency – Find Out the Reasons

Bitro ConwellDec 26, 20233 min read

In the Crossroads of Crypto: India’s Dilemma In the world of cryptocurrency, India is faced with a crucial decision. On one hand, there is the appeal…

India’s Reserve Bank Asserts Government Must Address Crypto Concerns

Noah RyptonDec 25, 20232 min read

Indian Officials Stand Firm on Crypto Ban The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) maintains its position on banning cryptocurrencies, according to Indian officials aligned with the…

Officials Evaluate Risks to India’s Economic Stability Amidst Pressure on Crypto Landscape

Gapster InnesDec 25, 20232 min read

India’s Concerns about Cryptocurrencies Indian officials have expressed concerns about the risks and challenges posed by cryptocurrencies to the country’s macroeconomic stability. The Reserve Bank of…

Registration of 28 Indian Crypto Exchanges With India’s Anti-Money Laundering Department

Cyrus DaileyDec 12, 20233 min read

Entities Complying with Anti-Money Laundering Regulations Recently, 28 entities in India that provide services related to virtual digital assets (VDAs) have registered with the Financial Intelligence…

India’s Parliament Engages in a Discussion on the Prospects of Web3

Wyatt NewsonDec 7, 20232 min read

Parliament of India Discusses Importance of Web3 and Blockchain The lower house of the Indian Parliament, Lok Sabha, recently held a discussion on the significance of…

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