
Argentina’s Inaugural Bitcoin Lease Agreement Following Milei’s Megadecree

Althea BurnettJan 14, 20242 min read

Revolutionizing Real Estate Transactions with Bitcoin President Milei’s groundbreaking decree in Rosario is bringing about a paradigm shift in traditional real estate practices. This transformative policy…

Milei’s Devaluation of Peso in Argentina Earns Praise from IMF, Yet Bitcoin Policy Remains Undecided

Wyatt NewsonDec 14, 20232 min read

Argentina’s President Devalues Peso, Receives IMF Praise Argentina’s newly elected president, Javier Milei, has devalued the country’s currency, the peso, by more than 50%. The International…

The Reason Behind Argentine President Milei’s Proposal to Eliminate the Country’s Central Bank and His Pro-Bitcoin Stance

Bitro ConwellNov 25, 20232 min read

Milei Plans to Dissolve Argentina’s Central Bank Javier Milei, the President-elect of Argentina and a pro-Bitcoin advocate, has announced his intention to dissolve the country’s Central…

Argentina’s Bitcoin Community Optimistic After Milei’s Presidential Win

Coinan PorterNov 23, 20233 min read

Libertarian Candidate Javier Milei Wins Argentina’s Presidential Election After a long and dramatic presidential race, libertarian candidate Javier Milei emerged victorious in Argentina’s presidential election. Milei…

Former Greek Finance Minister Clarifies Argentina President-Elect Javier Milei’s Political Stance

Benito CormiNov 22, 20232 min read

Varoufakis’ Stance on Milei Yanis Varoufakis expresses concern over Argentina’s president-elect Javier Milei and his proposed economic policies, which he feels are antithetical to libertarianism. Instead,…

Bitcoin Price Soars Near All-Time High in Argentina Following Javier Milei’s Victory

Leo NomistNov 20, 20232 min read

Bitcoin on the Rise in Argentina After Election Victory The Bitcoin price is on the rise in Argentina after Javier Milei, a crypto advocate, was elected…

Javier Milei’s Mission for an Argentine Future Embracing Bitcoin – Tracking Progress

Cino GaperiSep 22, 20233 min read

In the August primary presidential election, Javier Milei, a pro-Bitcoin advocate, emerged as a frontrunner in Argentinian politics. This has caused quite a stir as Milei’s…

Javier Milei’s Candidacy and Argentina’s Crypto Prospects Amid Soaring 124% Inflation

Ethan GloberSep 15, 20233 min read

Argentina’s Economic Crisis Argentina is currently facing an unprecedented economic crisis, with an annual inflation rate of 124.4% in August 2023, the highest since 1991. This…

Javier Mileis Victory in Argentina Sparks Economic Consequences

Benito CormiAug 21, 20232 min read

Javier Milei’s Victory in Argentina Sparks Devaluation and Inflation Maelstrom The victory of Javier Milei in the Argentine preliminary elections has caused a series of consequences…

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