God Mode is a series that explores hot topics in gaming. This article focuses on the upcoming release of Alan Wake 2, a highly anticipated video game. The game follows the story of Alan Wake, a writer who becomes trapped in a dark presence while visiting the town of Bright Falls. To prepare for the release of Alan Wake 2, the article suggests exploring various books, films, TV shows, and games that have inspired the series.
In terms of books, “The Dark Half” by Stephen King is mentioned as a direct inspiration for Alan Wake’s journey. The story revolves around an author who writes under a pseudonym and later discovers that his dark alter ego has come to life. Another book called “House of Leaves” is also mentioned, as it shares similarities with Remedy’s other game, Control.
When it comes to films and TV shows, “Twin Peaks” is highlighted as a major influence on Alan Wake. The show’s quirky characters and dark presence mirror elements of the game. HBO’s “True Detective” and David Fincher’s “Seven” are also mentioned as inspirations for their nonlinear narratives and detective themes.
In terms of games, “Pony Island” and “Inscryption” by Daniel Mullins are recommended for their metanarrative elements. These indie games have received positive reviews and showcase Mullins’ unique storytelling style. Additionally, playing through the original Alan Wake game and its expansion, as well as Remedy’s other game Control, is suggested to gain a deeper understanding of the connected universe.
Overall, exploring these books, films, TV shows, and games will help players fully appreciate the world of Alan Wake and get ready for the release of Alan Wake 2.
Hot Take: Prepare for the Release of Alan Wake 2 by Exploring Its Inspirations